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Mentoring Programme

Mentoring can be an extremely fulfilling experience for mentor as well as the mentee. Carving out regular time to consider your development with someone entirely separate to your workplace or existing support network (a fresh pair of eyes), can help both participants learn from each other.
The aim of the AXIS Mentoring Programme is to bring participants together to form a supportive partnership to encourage mutual growth and progression. The role of the mentor is to provide guidance and support to the mentee. The role of the mentee is to take on board and consider the experience and advice that a mentor can offer.
The AXIS Mentoring programme offers a unique opportunity to all genders, to develop strong partnerships across industry, across disciplines and across seniority levels (age and organisational). The only prerequisite to participation is that mentees and mentors are AXIS members.

What is a mentor?
In the AXIS Network Mentoring Scheme, all mentors are volunteers and come with a range of knowledge and experience.
Essentially, a mentor is someone who is committed to provide a safe environment in which the mentee is encouraged to develop in new ways in their professional and personal life. Mentors should be open minded, receptive to feedback and willing to try new approaches in order to provide support to the mentee in ways that are appropriate to that individual.
Be focussed on mentee's best interest
Be adaptable
Listen and ask questions
Share industry knowledge and experience
Help mentee to establish their own goals/aims
Offer different perspectives
Query any obstacles facing the mentee
Provide feedback and constructive challenge
Follow through on commitments
Maintain confidentiality

What is a mentEE?
In the AXIS Network Mentoring Scheme, all mentees have self-selected and have requested a mentor.
A mentee is a person who is advised, coached or guided by a mentor. Mentees should be open-minded, receptive to feedback and willing to try new approaches in order to learn and develop.
Mentees do not need a prescribed set of skills but should consider at application what they hope to take from the programme. Mentees should be open to new challenges and should be comfortable to approach their mentors to seek guidance.
Take the lead in the mentoring partnership
Take ownership of own development and learning
Respect the mentor’s time and efforts
Agree goals and expectations with mentor
Be willing to receive feedback
Follow through on commitments
how does it work?
Applicants are requested to complete a short questionnaire to aide with the matching process. When matched, the mentor and mentee will first discuss the expectations and boundaries of the relationship and put this into a mentor agreement so that there is a common understanding from the start.
It is hoped that parties will arrange to meet a minimum of 4 times during the programme (i.e. once every 6 weeks). Participants are free to meet on a more regular basis and this is encouraged. It is important that both parties are committed and involved during the process.
It is intended that the mentorship through the AXIS programme will last for a period of 6 months. Partnerships are at liberty to continue independently after the AXIS 6 month programme if they should so wish.

Feedback from participants is essential to analyse the successes and failures of the scheme and to adapt for future success. The AXIS Mentoring team will seek feedback from all mentors and mentees at the half way point to establish how their relationships are progressing; what has worked well; and where there is room for improvement. We will then ask all participants to complete feedback forms at the end of the 6 month programme.
Participants are encouraged to provide feedback to the committee throughout the programme as they feel necessary. Please do not hesitate to contact, especially if there are any concerns or questions.
We operate the AXIS Mentoring programme in cohort cycles. If you are interested in participating either as a mentor or mentee and are not already an AXIS Network member, we ask you to sign up as a pre-requisite for the programme and to get the launch material.
We also recommend that you look over some of the AXIS Mentoring stories and updates from previous cohorts in the blog links below.
If you would like to get in touch with us regarding any other queries regarding the mentoring programme please contact us via email to: with the subject line “Mentoring Scheme”.
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