This was a Mentee’s self-realisation at the end of the AXIS Network’s Mentoring program, 2021 cohort 5. How fantastic is that?
Other feedback included that it had been an opportunity for growth, unbiased help to leave their comfort zone, encouraging and offered peer support.
The Global Pandemic may have continued and so did the mentoring program! 26 pairings were assigned and the program kicked off on 28-May-21. People met virtually, in person and in a variety of locations. Mentees were looking for support with career progression, how to deal with imposter syndrome, how to adjust to new roles. They wanted objective sounding boards.
And that’s what they got! Overall, the feedback at the end of the program scored 8.5 out of 10, meaning that Mentees and Mentors would recommend the program to anyone and everyone. Call me biased, but so would I!
Why Seek out a Mentor?
In February 2022 Cohort 5 celebrated the end of the program, followed by open floor discussion.
I have always found it to be a positive experience both as a mentee and mentor as I have always learnt something about myself. So I was a bit puzzled to hear that for some, asking for a mentor can be seen as a weakness. It can be seen as a sign of not being good enough. I reflected on this over the next couple of days and concluded that asking for help can be hard. However, I also believe that we are all a “work in progress”. Thankfully, no one person has all the answers as that would be very dull!
I see seeking out a mentor as a show of strength. It shows a growth mindset. That we want to learn from someone else’s experiences, consider how to apply them to our situation and then move forward. Mentoring is based on confidential conversations between the Mentee and the Mentor. No one has to know what’s been discussed unless you choose to tell them.
The AXIS Network’s Mentoring program runs on a volunteer basis. We do it for the sheer joy of building new mentoring relationships within the energy industry; supporting each other in the development of our careers and in the deepening of our self-awareness. The program formally lasts for 6 months, but often lasts beyond that because the pairs want to keep working with each other.
So how do I join the next Cohort, I hear you ask?
Look out for details of how to join the 2022 cohort coming soon.
Decide whether you want to take part as a Mentee or Mentor.
Complete the relevant application form and submit to the team by end April 2022.
We use that information to match Mentee requests with Mentors (as far as we can). It’s not always possible to match exactly, however this can also be where the magic happens! What you think you want at the beginning and what you learn during the 6 months the mentoring program runs for, can and often does exceed expectations.
We’ll have the Cohort 6 kick off meeting on 19th May. For the last 2 years these have been on-line due to the Pandemic. We would love to have this as an in-person event again…we also want participants to feel safe. So, we will assess the Government guidance closer to the time and make a decision then.
I look forward to seeing you at the kick-off meeting!
Rachel Mackay
AXIS Network Mentoring co-ordinator