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INclusive offshore working

Industry bodies AXIS Network, and Step Change in Safety, have partnered to develop guidance for operators and the supply chain to highlight good practice in offshore inclusion. The project surveyed offshore workers and investigated ways to address their concerns.  A number of operators, service companies and supply chain members shared practical solutions which were collated into case studies.  The guidelines, supported by the case studies showcase some of the best inclusion practices across our industry.



Infographic on inclusive offshore working

In the energy sector, we’re focused on attracting, developing and retaining the talent that will help this industry transition and thrive.  That’s why creating an inclusive offshore workplace is so important. Watch the Offshore Inclusion animation to understand some of the solutions that organisations and leaders can implement.


AXIS Network note that their members frequently share stories of items the group term as micro-inequities – issues which are seemingly small, but add up to make groups not in the majority feel ostracised. Our project close out report highlights the reasons why this project is so important. 


AXIS Project Lead Sarah Clark says: “Having worked offshore myself, I am not surprised at the stories shared with us, but I believe this partnership offers us the opportunity to produce some best practice advice for operators which is easy to implement, and can make a real difference to how it feels to go offshore for women. We hope that what we can achieve is a better working environment for everyone and a more engaged and productive workforce.”


Whilst the project close out report identifies a number of different areas of concern raised by the surveyed offshore workers, one of the key issues related to poorly fitting PPE.  


Infographic on inclusive offshore working

Step Change in Safety former management director Steve Rae says, “Our goal is a safer offshore working environment for all, and this extends to mental wellbeing. We share AXIS’ passion for inclusive working environments which I believe allows all of our people to be themselves, and to be fully present at work. It’s in our industry’s best interests to create an inclusive environment where our men and women can do their very best work, and allow us all to do our jobs properly. We are delighted to work with AXIS Network on this.”

Diagram showing a protective work suit, a woman, and a man


Our case studies on Inclusive Offshore Working can be found here:




Our animation video can be found here: 




If you’d be interested in sharing a story, feedback, or suggestions with us, then please contact us at with the subject line 'Inclusive Offshore Working'.​​​

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