Joining the AXIS pledge is the first step on the journey to success of Vision 2030, AXIS Network’s invitation to the industry to imagine what more we could achieve if we accelerate progress towards a fully inclusive and diverse industry. With access to AXIS pledge events and support, companies signed up to the AXIS pledge show a better gender pay gap on average compared to their counterparts across the industry. Pledge Signatories commit to attracting, retaining and developing a diverse workforce with the four steps of analyse, plan, be transparent and be vocal.

AXIS Network’s analysis of the 2024 gender pay gap reports (Accelerating Progress: Analysing the Gender Pay Gap in the Energy Industry) for the energy industry identified higher performance in companies that had signed up to and engaged with AXIS Network’s pledge. Alongside other benefits and support, Pledge Signatories have access to AXIS round table events with facilitated discussions tailored to the areas of greatest challenge for Pledge companies, identified in advance, maximising the benefits of the events.
To join the AXIS pledge, companies are asked to commit to attracting, retaining and developing a diverse workforce and therefore pledge to:
Analyse the underlying reasons for any gender imbalance and/or gender pay gap in our organisation.
Follow a strategic plan, including clear ambitious targets to deliver positive change.
Be transparent with our staff and communicate on our progress.
It is these four steps of: analyse, plan, be transparent and be vocal that are the recipe for success with AXIS Pledge.

Every company is unique so it is important that Pledge Signatories understand their own data and challenges specific to their organisation. Looking at data in areas such as recruitment, retention and promotion can help clarify trends or challenges. In addition, engaging with staff through surveys or other data gathering methods can help add context to the data. More information is included on our pledge page.
Once you understand the key issues impacting your organisation’s gender balance you will be able to create a bespoke plan to address them, including ambitious targets to maintain focus and detail what success looks like.
We are committed to providing Pledge signatories with the latest and best available research and thinking in this area. Our AXIS Resources page has lots of useful content and we often share new and interesting information on LinkedIn. Alongside this, Pledge round table events are designed to support Pledge Signatories on their journey and share vital lessons across the industry.
Any actions that we take to improve gender balance in our companies and across the industry, have a positive impact on creating inclusive workplaces where everyone can thrive. This benefits everyone. Our pledge approach is unique in that the four ingredients for success can be replicated for any demographic of your choosing. We therefore encourage our pledge signatories to look holistically and take an intersectional look at their organisation makeup.
Transparency is vital in achieving gender balance and has been proven to help reduce gender pay gaps. It will be important for your employees to understand your commitment to the Pledge, what actions you are taking and why, and any progress made. Talk about your commitment with your supply chain and encourage them to get involved too.
We believe that in this way, those operating in the sector can meaningfully shift the dial on gender balance together and accelerate our progress towards Vision 2030 and a fully inclusive and diverse industry. Vision 2030 is AXIS Network's invitation to banish gender inequality by 2030.
To discuss the AXIS pledge further, please get in touch: