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Unveiling the Power of Mentoring: A Conversation with Mini Nambiar.

Writer's picture: axisaberdeenaxisaberdeen

Updated: Jan 16

Ahead of our upcoming mentoring programme, we spoke with Mini Nambiar, Innovation Project Manager with SSEN Transmission (part of SSE), to learn about her insights into the transformative power of mentoring.

If you're interested in participating in our mentoring program as either a mentor or mentee, the program is now accepting applications! To apply, please email: Applications will close on 3rd January 2025.

Q. As a mentor with the AXIS mentoring programme, what do you see as the key benefits of joining the programme?

AXIS mentoring programme is an award nominated cross industry initiative that has successfully connected individuals in a supportive way, encouraging mutual growth and progression. In my opinion, there are two A’s that are the key benefits from this programme. The first A stands for Alternate perspective – the mentoring partnership helps develop a sounding board with non-judgmental support system benefiting the mentor and the mentee. The second A stands for Allies within the industry –  the programme fosters strong mutually beneficial alliances outside of your workplace but within the industry, thereby building a strong support network which can benefit individuals at professional and personal level.

Q. You’ve been involved in the AXIS mentoring programme for 4 years. What made you join up in the first place?

I first joined the AXIS mentoring programme as a mentee with the 2018 cohort. At that time, I was feeling a sense of stagnation and losing the drive inside me. I was pleasantly surprised by the impact I had from the sounding board provided by my mentor. Through my mentor, Julien’s, independent non-judgemental advice I was able to commit to the actions and make decisions without hesitation. Our discussions helped me clarify my thoughts and has catapulted my professional journey. After being part of the programme and experiencing the benefits, I volunteered to join the mentoring programme sub-committee within AXIS Network. My mission is to spread that light from the spark that ignited me, share the positive experience and encourage others to join and benefit. Thereafter, I have also mentored other individuals in the industry, making it a very fulfilling experience.

Q. How have you personally benefited from being involved in the AXIS mentoring programme?

Before joining the programme, I had a big list of priorities and was not clear on where I should focus my energy to create lasting impact. It felt like I was a swan swimming in water, above the surface I appeared calm and serene, while underneath I was frantically moving my legs to keep afloat. Talking through my thoughts with my mentor, I was able to prioritise on the actions I should focus on to deliver the value proposition and gradually focussed on building my profile within the industry, especially within the innovation space. The accountability that came through my discussions with my mentor, spring-boarded my professional growth and I have always advocated for mentoring programmes outside the workplace or business ever since.

Q. What are the top 3 things that you’ve personally got out of being involved with the AXIS mentoring programme?

For me the AXIS mentoring program has been representative of the FUN I have had since I joined in 2018.

Fulfilment – I feel a sense of fulfilment by supporting an industry initiative that creates a legacy, one that will last for generations to come.

Uplifting – It is uplifting and inspirational for me to be surrounded by passionate individuals who are volunteering to make a significant impact within the energy industry.

Network – Through the AXIS Network mentoring programme, I have developed relationships, expanded my professional network with trusted individuals who have helped me unlock doors and unpick knots that may have been unsurmountable in the past.

Q. If a person has never mentored anyone before, can they still become a mentor in the AXIS programme?

As a mentor, each one of us provides an invaluable perspective that goes beyond departmental or  business boundaries and industry specifics. Each of us have unique life experiences, and it is this diversity of thought that helps develop creative solutions bringing significant benefits. Additionally, the mentoring relationship builds a strong support network where both mentors and mentees can grow professionally and personally, sharing experiences and learning from one another in a mutually beneficial environment. I would highly encourage anyone who has ever been a mentee to volunteer and sign up as a mentor and provide sounding board to support others on the journey. The recommendation is for the AXIS Network mentee-mentor pair to meet 4-6 times over the 6-month programme period, it could be virtually or in-person, 30 minutes to 1 hr, all dependent on the availability and personal commitments of the mentee-mentor pair. It may be a short time a mentor may spend with the mentee, but it can create significant impact. Mentoring is an act so small, can create a change so big. Go ahead and sign up now!


Q. What advice would you give to someone who believes they may not have enough experience or the right skills to be a mentor, and how can we encourage them to recognize that their unique perspectives and experiences make them valuable mentors too?

The need of the hour to save our planet is crucial; decarbonisation is not a choice but a necessity. The importance of bringing diversity of thought to achieve this is not questionable. Within the energy industry, we have achieved amazing things in the past, delivered ground breaking projects with cutting edge technology and I am confident that with collaboration we can drive through the next revolution of energy transition, achieving our net zero target.

At AXIS Network, we have the vision that by 2030 as the energy sector decarbonises, organisations like us will become redundant. There should be a seat at the table for everyone irrespective of gender or other affiliations. There should be equal representation, and for this to happen we need more people to join cross industry mentoring programme like AXIS Network to share their unique perspective, personal stories and experiences. The power this revolution can create is huge, and I would encourage people from all backgrounds to join irrespective of their service period, knowledge or background.

There is also support provided to all mentors for them to network and lean into other mentors if there a mentee ask that the assigned mentor is unable to support, so you will never be on your own.

Q. What advice would you give anyone considering joining the programme as either a mentor or mentee?

The easiest way for us to learn is through others experiences, insights and stories that connect us. AXIS mentoring program facilitates this by bringing individuals from across the industry together to share their experience within the mentoring pair.

My advice to anyone joining the programme is to be open minded; you will pleasantly surprise yourself on what you can achieve through mentoring partnership. It is a mutually beneficial, two-sided partnership where the mentee and mentor flourish, grow and thrive. Why struggle alone, when you can thrive together?


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